The Garden at AT&T Park

When the Giants won the World Series in 2012, they were invited to visit the White House. While they were there, Giants president and CEO Larry Baer (shown at the Garden’s press conference podium) overheard First Lady Michelle Obama talking about the White House’s vegetable garden and mentioned casually that the Giants were planning one at AT&T Park (now Oracle park) as well. Though this was news to everyone else, they all supposed that when you tell the First Lady you’re going to do something, you’d better do it, so opening the Garden at AT&T Park suddenly became a foregone conclusion.

To create this visual brand, I drew inspiration from Michael Schwab, the San Francisco illustrator famous for, among other things, his poster series for each of America’s National Parks. The colorful palette and larger-than-life produce gave the whole thing a fun and playful personality, all with the ballpark’s iconic scoreboard in the background. Not by coincidence, the 4,320 square foot Garden is located below the Giant’s scoreboard in centerfield.

The Garden serves as an outdoor classroom that encourages children to live healthier, more active lives. San Francisco children from various nonprofit partners such as the Boys and Girls Club and YMCA are invited to visit the Garden for (almost) weekly field trips. Through hands-on activities, they learn about the importance of healthy eating, see first-hand where food comes from and how it grows, and roll up their sleeves for cooking classes guided by Bon Appétit and other Bay Area guest chefs (from Bon Apetit Management Co). This in mind, I created tote bags and seed packs, each with their own ‘fun fact’ about the food they grow, to be used as giveaway items for each kid that visits.


The Giant Race


NORCAL Golden Retriever Rescue